Roland Golla
PHP Consultant
CYPRESS.IO Ambassador und IT Consultant für QA Engenieering und Qualität in PHP Projekten.
Never Code Alone: Experts for future-proof web development
PHP Ruhr Refactoring: Optimize your code. Increase efficiency.
Accessible web design: Tap into new user groups. Design inclusively.
Discover Web-accessibility
Improve the accessibility of your website through accessible front-end implementations and sustainable, energy-efficient web design. Our experienced team specializes in making immediate, significant progress in your projects. We offer customized solutions with a focus on testing and refactoring. Take advantage of our expertise in remote consulting and live coding sessions to efficiently improve your web projects. We emphasize mental health and support social projects.
Receive immediately actionable advice in compact video sessions. Our experts analyze your website in real time and provide concrete suggestions for improvement. Ideal for fast, effective optimization and for direct implementation of our know-how.
Practical workshops for editors and web developers. Learn best practices in accessibility and sustainable web design to take your projects to the next level.
Optimize your server structures for better accessibility. Our end-to-end tests identify and remove potential barriers before they become a problem. Ensure that your website is accessible to all users.
Involvement in social projects and focus on mental health. Our team supports initiatives to improve software quality and working conditions in the IT industry and promotes an inclusive and supportive community.
We offer PHP consulting for Symfony, TYPO3 and Shopware
Our heart beats for testing and refactoring. For years, we have specialized in practical PHP consulting with the wireless keyboard. We have now expanded our innovative format with remote consulting and live coding sessions as well as collaboration tools.
We also offer a wealth of best practice know-how for sustainable software quality in PHP projects. In return, we can immediately take existing projects to a significantly better level. Our preferred PHP tools for this are Rector PHP, PHPUnit, PHPStan and PSALM as reliable quality gates.
We are also happy to help with the hosting setup with GitLab, Docker and Rancher for reliable and fast build pipelines and precise staging environments. We also offer simple solutions for live operation. Thanks to our flexible partner network, we can also serve enterprise solutions.
We help to bring PHP legacy code projects up to current best practice know-how. Our focus is on working together as a team. Never Code Alone.
All of our PHP consultants are involved in the open source community. We enjoy sharing our knowledge and learning together at meetups and in user groups. In this way, we help to significantly and sustainably improve software quality in projects.
Unsere Workshops sind kein Frontalunterricht. Mit der Funktastatur und unseren Live Coding Sessions bringen wir die neuen Skills direkt in die Finger der TeilnehmerInnen. Alle Schritte werden direkt in Kundenprojekten ausgeführt und bilden so eine Best Practice Basis an der man direkt ansetzen kann.
Social projects and mental health are very important to us
We have been supporting social projects with our NCA events right from the start. The participants of our open source community events have already raised over 25,000 euros. We present the lucky recipients and their good cause in personal interviews on YouTube (German).
Roland Golla has been campaigning for mental health since suffering a personal nervous breakdown. Among other things, he gave the presentation "Software Quality=== health" at code.talks 2018. In 2020, the top article "Why developers should pay attention to their health" was published online in Heise.
Together, we will make your PHP projects better and take you further with our workshops. This not only puts your team in a good mood again, but also improves customer satisfaction.
PHP Consultant
CYPRESS.IO Ambassador und IT Consultant für QA Engenieering und Qualität in PHP Projekten.
Symfony Consultant
Spezialist für Refactoring
TYPO3 Consultant
Webentwickler & Webprojektmanager mit Schwerpunkt TYPO3
TYPO3 Consultant
IT Projektmanager für TYPO3 und Symfony Projekte
Symfony Consultant
Experte Migration von Legacy-Anwendungen
Expertin für Branddesign
Coach & Facilitatorin
Coach und Facilitatorin für Veränderungsprozesse
Geschäftsführer doQtor
Pionier der psychischen Gesundheit für Betriebe
Speaker & Trainer
IT Consultant für individuell angepasste Software
Marketing Manager
Open Source ist Leidenschaft
Datenschutzbeauftragter (IHK)
Spaß an Lösungen.
Accessibility Consulting
Von der Idee zur Wirklichkeit
PHP Consultant
PHP-Consultant mit 16+ Jahren Erfahrung und Open-Source-Engagement.
TYPO3 Consultant
PHPUnit und Best Practice TYPO3 Development